Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Assignment #5

Well I came to Canada because there was a war in Lebanon. We came and it was summer, but when winter came there was a lot of snow and we had to dress really well because we weren't used to the cold weather. Now my family is okay with the winter all we need to do is dress well.

Canada one of the coldest places on earth in the winter. Luckily we have heaters, good quality jackets , boot , hats , mittens and gloves. Have you ever thought of how the people in the past that lived here surrvied in the cold without any of these things. There was a lot of wood to heat up and fish to catch they hunted for food like animals. They used there fur for clothe and shelter ect. I used the web site The Kids' Site on Canadian Settlements and

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Assignment #4

I liked Aynalem's assignment because in her article thing she wrote "there might be a first Asian-American President of the United States." That is something that may actually happen.

I also liked Alma's because she had "there will be less pollution in the world." It is something very reasonable thing because people should stop.

Mariam K's assignment was really good. I liked the part where it said " I think that there is going to be less war.Because now as you may no that America has a new president and I for one think hes going to make a big change."

Assignment #3

In a 100 years life will be different and hopefully better instead of worse.
I think that in 2109 there will be less pollution in the environment. Also that there will be a lot more respect for black people. Then there will be more of a population. There will obviously be more techonlogy like flying cars and robots to serve us. Maybe even robots will teach us instead of teachers. You should check out Christopher Moores blog.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My name is Rania and I am in grade 7 in Ottawa, Canada. We will be learning about Canadian history. Hope you like my blog and you may comment and ask question. I am really excited because no more textbooks!!! :) My teacher also has a blog check it out!