Friday, February 27, 2009

Assignment #8


Websites I used:,,, and

This is a link to assignment #8.


Rania's Rocking Rants

Announcer: Introducing your amazing host Rania Berjawi!

Audience: Whoa!(Clap! Clap!) Oh My Gosh it is Rania!

Rania: Thank you! Thank you everybody. Okay so hows everyone?

Audience: Good. Good.

Rania: Well today we have a awesome guest you can also say special guest.

So put your hands together for the ghost of Louis Riel!!!


Louis: Hi everyone! Hello Rania. I am really glad to be on your show I always watch it. I loved the interview with Obama.

Rania: Oh yes that was a good one. We are very pleased to have you on our show today. So Louis we heard some things that might need clarifications.

Louis: Like what?!

Rania: Well I heard you are a religious man and that you gave yourself a middle name because of being so religious.

Louis: Yes indeed I was a very religious man. I made my middle name David because in 1875 I had this religious experience and came I to believe I was a prophet whom God had chosen and given me the name "David."

Rania: Oh. Yes I see. People are saying you are a traitor and others are saying you were "misguided and impetuous." Which one is you?

Louis: They hung me because I was a traitor, but the truth is I was impetuous. I was eager to help the Metis. I could say I was a bit violent, but only in the battle.

Rania: Very well. I also discovered that you didn't let the
lawyer's attempt to argue that you were
not guilty by reason of insanity.

Louis: Of course I didn't let them because I was certainly not insane. I believed the Metis had rights!

Rania: Thank you Riel for answering all the questions I had and for being on my show. I guess we are out of time.

Louis It was no problem. Bye!


Alma said...

good job!:)

Shauna Pollock said...

Super cute interview, Rania! Well done. I liked the audience's reactions and I loved the announcer! I really liked that you had interviewed Obama. I thought that was so cool. What did you ask him!

Last thing - David was Riel's middle "NAME" not middle "MAN"!